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Current EMUS Standings (2025-26)

Current season will be updated after Aslinger 2025

Eastern Missouri Ultra Series

The Eastern Missouri Ultra Series (EMUS) is a points-based competition including six of the most popular ultras in Eastern Missouri. The EMUS begins in March with the Howard Aslinger 12 and 24 Hour Endurance Runs and concludes with the Shippey Endurance Runs the following January. You are automatically entered in the series if you run any of the six events. Those seriously contesting the series are advised to join SLUGs as this will reduce your entry fees for the four SLUG events and also get you an invite to our annual awards party.


EMUS Races:

March: Aslinger Endurance Runs

April: Chubb Trail Races *

May: Berryman Trail Races*

July: Get Your Butt Kicked at Route 66*

October: Minnie Ha Ha 6 and 12 hour Races*

January: Shippey Endurance Runs


*SLUG member discount available


Scoring system beginning for the 2025-26 season:

  • 1 point for each mile COMPLETED in any INDIVIDUAL distance (relay races do not qualify). To be considered completed, it has to be a full mile and part of a finish in the distance registered. In other words, no points for drop-downs or DNF's in fixed distance races. In timed events the distance is rounded down.

  • Bonus points: 50/40/30/20/10 for the top five in both male and female in the LONGEST DISTANCE offered. 25/20/15/10/5 for the top five in both male and female in the NEXT LONGEST DISTANCE offered. 10 points for top 50+, 60+, 70+ male/female in the LONGEST DISTANCE offered. You CAN double dip on bonuses, but you can only get one age group bonus. So, for example, if a 60 year old finishes 3rd overall behind two runners in their 30s in the long event, that runner gets 30 for third and 10 for 50+, but the 60+ bonus will roll down to the next runner over 60.

  • Event limit: We only include the results from the top 5 events for each runner. Life gets in the way and everybody has bad days on course, this allows flexibility for that.


Season to date standings are usually updated here within a few days of the race results being posted.


1st: Elisha Stout

2nd: Carrie Weatherholt

3rd: Sarah Bauer


1st: James Pratt

2nd: Brian Garrett

3rd: Eric Buckley


2024 Overall EMUS Champions

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